one for gus

nearly seventy
years old and
working part
time just to pay
for his wife's
oxygen because

     because the
     gov't wouldn't 
     even though
     the man had 
     served SERVED 
     his country

just so she
and then she
passed away
and they put her
in the ground
with the others
and the
sadness ripped
the meat from
his bones
and I had to
help him photo
copy the pages
of her DO NOT
forms because
he didn't know
how and I felt
the tears burn
in the corners
of my eyes and
the world spun
but the word
kept coming to

a year and half
later the doctors
discovered that he
had cancer so
they took the
hammer to him
the pills and the
radiation hoping
to either kill the
cancer or maybe
kill him too and
he lost his hair
and they ripped
what was left
hanging from
the bones
and I thought how
much can they
take and
the world spun
but the word
kept coming to

nearly seventy
years old and
still working
bumming smokes
off me to which I
always say any
time gus and he
lights them and
people ask about
his lung cancer
and he says I
don't care I'm
dying anyway
and he laughs

what's left he
says is like
reading a
magazine that
you don't want to
read in a
doctor's office
while waiting on
the appointment
you showed up for
about half
an hour ago

and his smile
twists his face
into a beauty
the young
will never know

this is not
the way it ends
for all of us

anger can be
boundless but
this is not the way
it always was

& gus

Gustus N. Roudis passed away on October 30, 2011
I will always remember him as a dear friend