Those good times are gone
So I leave them
Green copper pennies
That I left in the road
Isn't it funny
how now we can see
If we'd saved just a few - for you and me
How much more
we'd have had in the end
How much richer we both still would be
matter how hard we cry
How we don't say goodbye
Our favorite lovers and
friends always find
Warm hiding places to lay down and die
everything's taken away
They'll leave the things nobody wants
The screams,
the sneers, and the taunts
This house as a home will be unwanted
And by
two lost souls, forever haunted
Maybe somebody braver than us
Will wander their way into this empty place
And pick up all the
dollars and dimes
As he gazes up into his lover's blue eyes
Treat it
less like a tomb and more like a church
And make it certain she is always put
And he'll keep his promises shiny and new
Something that we could
never manage to do
'Cause they were just pennies
Neither good,
neither bad
Coins can't know nothin'
But human hearts can